Oneida Lake Sailing - Racing

Wednesday - Open Series Racing
This series is for the more competetive sailor and meets on the water every Wednesday at 6:30 pm from May through the first week of September. The racing fee for this class is $65 per boat for the season this includes the Frostbite Series. In this series there are two divisions PRF I Fleet and PRF II Fleet, in this series the fleets use their Spinnaker sail on the downwind leg of the race sequence.
Thursday - White Sail Series Racing
This series is for the beginner to intermediate sailor meets every Thursday with a Skipper's Meeting at Oneida Lake Marina at 6:00 pm, from May through the end of August. The racing fee for this class is $55 per boat for the season this includes the Frostbite Series. In this series there are two divisions PRF I and PRF II, both in this series the Spinnaker sail is not used and is not allowed in the race sequence.
Sunday - Frostbite Series Racing
This series begins in September and goes into the first week of October, hence the name and meets on the water at 2:00 pm
All three racing series are always looking for crew, so if you would like to learn to sail or know how to sail and would like to get out on the water meet at either Callahan's Marina or Oneida Lake Marina by 5:30 pm on Wednesday and Thursday and by 1:00 pm for the Sunday Frostbite Series in September.